tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Mar 21 07:07:48 1995

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The Grand Slam

        Okay, everyone here is my report on the Grand Slam.
It was in Pasadena CA from Fri 17th to Sun. the 19th. 
The attendance was arround 25,000 fans. 
Yeah yeah there were alot of speakers there. I didnt  see a 
one of them cause 1) I was busy  manning the KLI  booth and 
2) I was having too much fun to the rest of the time.

I worked with Mike Fine of  Star Base 10 who helped shared
the booth with me and because of him I can say the booth 
was the best looking one of the whole show. The booth was 
all red and boardered with huge Klingon banners. At all times
there was at least two full dress Klingons behind the 
counter. In addition to the usual KLI material there was 
a HUGE amount of props,  batlh'etlhs, make-up kits and more
that Mike  brought. It was the only place I have ever seen 
it possible to yell at a customer who wanted to haggle and 
the customer would step back, smile and say "Cool!" before 
paying the full price.  

I succesfully passed out alot of KLI flyers and Postal 
Courses. vaj maDo'chugh ghur KLI. 

But the height of the event for me was singing taHjaj wo'
with Cat Ramos as part of an all  TREK wedding to a full 
auditorium and national media (ET and National Enquirer). 
Upon conlussion of the wedding ceremony a stage full of 
Klingons punctuated the event with a roof shaking roar. It 
made my blood scream.

There were plenty more stories to tell as well, Like the 
Green Orion Slave Girl who danced, scantly clad, to the
beat of Klingon drums. Yes it's true...but perhaps I will 
tell it another day.

David Barron

         David Barron  [email protected]  OR   [email protected]
                         Klingon Language Postal Course
                            PO Box 37, Eagle ID 83616
                 IT'S FREE! Send Self-Addressed Stamped Envelope.
                       Not available by E-mail, so dont ask.

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