tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Mar 15 19:48:33 1995

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Re: qeylIs ghaH 'Iv?

On Wed, 15 Mar 1995, A.Appleyard wrote:

> ghItlhpu' "R.B Franklin" <[email protected]> (Subject: Re: KLBC: Correct
> Word..?):-
> > Kahless dropped a lock of his hair into the lava of the Kri'stak Volcano,
> > quenched it in the waters of Lake Lursor, and forged it into a weapon and
> > used it to kill Molor. He named this weapon {batlh 'etlh} ("The Sword of
> > Honor"). I believe {betleH} is a contraction of that word, used to describe
> > the type of weapon traditionally used by Klingons.
> Excuse my ignorance, but is Kahless/qeylIs a Klingon alive at the time of the
> Star Trek events, or a legendary ancient hero, or a god, or what? Which book
> or episode describes Kahless and the legends that seem to exist about him?

Kahless the Unforgetable is a historical Klingon cultural hero of mythical 
proportions.  He is said to be the greatest warrior who ever lived and 
is the epitome of Klingon honor.  He united the Klingons and founded the 
Klingon Empire 1,500 years before the current ST time period (circa 9th 
century).  ("Birthright")

One legend is that Kahless fought his brother, Morath, for twelve days 
and nights because Morath knowingly told a lie, thereby bringing dishonor 
to their family. (Worf tells this parable to his son, Alexander, in "New 

Kahless first appears in TOS episode, "Savage Curtain" where the Excalbians 
create a facsimile of Kahless from Kirk's mind.

Before he departed this existance, Kayless said he was journeying to 
Sto-Vo-Kor (The Realm of the Honored Dead) and prophesized that he would 
one day return at the planet Boreth.  The clerics of the Boreth 
monastary used Kahless' DNA to create a Kahless-clone and immersed the 
clone in the teachings and legends of Kahless so that the clone actually 
believed he was, in fact, Kahless.  Although this ruse was uncovered, 
Gowron, the leader of the High Council, agreed to accept this new Kahless 
as the rightful heir of the Imperial throne.  (The office had been 
vacant for some 500 years.).  As of 2369, this new Kahless acts in the 
ceremonial role of Emperor and the spiritual leader of the Klingon people.  
("Rightful Heir")

The PK tape has phrases traditionally used for Empire Union Day, the 
Klingon holiday to commemorate Kayless, which occurs in the 3rd month of 
the Klingon calendar.  (Many fans are celebrating Empire Union Day on 
March 25th - it's also the birthday of Robert O'Reilly, the actor who 
plays Gowron.)

SoHDaq qeylIS qa' yInjaj.


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