tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Mar 03 09:22:27 1995

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The StarTrek Night: the review

Greetings Klingons!

As promised, here my report of the 'StarTrek survival night' as
organised by me and a friend:
Be warned, I'm quite fatigued so my report will be incomplete and
difficult to read...

Wednesday we picked op the T-shirts we had printed and went shopping.
The T-shirts have a color-print on the front of Picard as a Borg with
the tekst 'Resistance is futile, sleep is irrelevant'. On the back is
tekst: 'Officer ________ personal log, stardate 05156.8. I survived:'
and then a list of things like 'A return of Kirk' (STTNG:GEN), gagh,
Romulan Ale, 'Picard destroying humanity' etc etc. At the bottom are
the Borg and the Klingon logo.

Thursday we went in overdrive and started making the food and drinks.
I'll put the recipes at the bottom.
The cooking did not go as wanted (as always) and we had to hurry to get
to the movies theater on time. We had a reservation there for 3 rows of
5 people, but they hadn't reserved us the room, only the 15 tickets.
Fortunatly there was plenty of room so we could sit together anyhow.
After enjoying the show we went to the room of my friend and ate our
rokeg blood pie. We then watched 6 double episodes including 'Best of
two worlds', 'Unification', 'Time's arrow' etc. while eating gagh nad
drinking Romulan Ale, beer, green tea and (in the end) Earl grey.

The end was around 8.00 in the morning.

The recipes (intended for 15 persons):

rokeg blood pie: 
   This was your average Lasagna with alot of red in it.
   Bake 1.5 Kg minced meat. Make Lasagna-filling from Honing (or any
other instand ready saus) and add garlic, unions (2) and some concentrated
tomato (2 small tins extra concentrated, 2 tins normal tomato's).
Mingle minced meat and lasagna-filling. Color 1 ltr of kwark (milk
product, somewhere between yoghurt and whipped cream. I believe it is
called 'sour cream') red. Put alternating layers of lasagna-plaques and
the colored sour cream (the cream is to keep the lasagna-plaques from
sticking to eachother and to add extra flavor). Then put filling on
top. Put it in the oven and warm gently. Serve when warm.
   This dish was received suspiciously after my remarks about me
cooking Klingon. Due to te fact we ate late, it wasn't enough to eat
(maybe for 10 persons).
   Add a lot of ketchup for the blood effect (not tried). Top of
dish can be used to put designes on.

   Implementation of serpent worms.
   Color 1.5 liter water red. Add enough jelitine powder for 2 liters
and boil. Let it cool in a shallow big rectangle (lunchbox) in the
refridgerator for at least 2 hours. Cut the jelly in ribbons (sort of
like french fries). Put jelly 'worms' in a bowl and add chocolate
   A lot of fun to eat when eaten as a klingon (with the hands).
Typically a lot of 'oh gross' remarks. 
Tips: Add taste to the jelly too. Don't be afraid to make it very
strong. Also make jelly non-translutent if possible. Adding chocolat
pudding makes it all even more slippery and adds to to flavor.

Romulan Ale:
    Blue stiff drink.
    mix 1 part Blue curacao, 1 part wodka, 1 part 7 up.
    although taste and potency (alcohol amount) are good, it is not a
good idea to drink it besides normal beer. We had enough problems to
keep awake to drink a lot.
    make a 'malt' version (without alcohol) for non-drinkers. Use blue
coloring agent, 7 up and ????? (The key taste ingredient of Blue
Curacao. dutch name: anijs. The N-E dictionary I have doesn't list it).

Green Tea:
     cures all stomache aches :)
     make nettles tea (extra strong)
     'Phewww, what an awfull taste...'. 

Earl Grey:

Boiling blood wine:
     use Sangria (easy to drink). (btw: sangria is a fruit wine)
      sangria is a favorite anyway. 
     warm it up (ala Gluhwein).

Well, I hope you all can make something of the random babbling above :)
I'm going to turn in now..

----8<----- CUT HERE -----8<---------8<------- FOR RECEIPT -----8<-----
This proves that I have NOT received ANY message from Wouter Slegers.   
Wouter Slegers, 3rd year CS, [email protected]||[email protected].
Disclaimer: If the above sounds plausible, reread it several times!
GCS 2.0: d-(++) H s+: !g au- a- w+ v+>+++ C++++++>++ UI+>+++ UL+>++++
	 L+>++ 3 E--- N++ K W----- M- !V> po- Y+ t++(+++) 5+ jx R G? tv 
	 g+++ D+++ B---- e+>++ u- h>++ f+ r- n---(----) Y?

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