tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 21 06:02:51 1995

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That's my name, don't use it up.

r'Hul wrote:
> I saw in TKD that, in there, the ' only shows up after vowels, y and w. But 
> how else would you show the abrupt ending of a sound?  i.e. Gr vs. Grrrrr.

You can show the abrupt ending of a sound with ANY stop, not just a glottal.
"GrT" sounds a lot like "GrP" or "GrK" if you don't release the last stop.
I think what English usually does with a trailing stop is called a "plosive"
or something like that.  It involves a sudden puff of air as the stop is
released; a "glottal stop plosive" sounds a bit like a quiet cough.

WARNING:  I don't know where I saw these terms, or if they are still valid,
or even if they were EVER valid.  Don't for a moment think that I am any sort
of an expert in vocal mechanics!

-- ghunchu'wI'

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