tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 31 05:03:21 1995

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Re: Word for `English'

> (2) English may be the dominant Earth language some way into the future when
> the Federation will be established and the Star Trek events or equivalents
> thereof will happen; but we live now, when Earth still has many official
> languages. We will have to keep on saying e.g. `England Hol' etc.
Funny, I thought that English was spoken in many other countries apart
from England...such as Wales, Ireland, Scotland, Australia, New Zealand,
Canada, and...America  (ok, so it's stretching things to call what the
Americans speak 'English').

We don't know what 'Federation Standard' will be in 300-400 years time -
English is the language of Star Trek's broadcasting, and is *currently*
one of the dominant languages on Earth. We have no idea if there isn't a
constructed language used, or what they speak in Star Trek. For
convenience's sake, we use English.

Because English is so wide-spoken (1st or 2nd language over much of the
world), rather than calling it {England} Hol, it should probably be
called {English} Hol - the language of the English (etc.) This makes it
compare with tlhIngan Hol (language of the Klingons) and vulqangan Hol
(language of the Vulcans). If you wanted to confuse issues by saying
{England} Hol, {America} Hol, {Scotland} Hol, {Australia} Hol, then go
ahead...but it's overly complicated. Languages in tlhIngan seem to be
named for the people, not the country/world.

(an irritatated Scot)
{qSeroHS veyn}
Niall Hosking
aka Kserokhs Vaene
[email protected]

'Practise random kindness and senseless acts of beauty.'

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