tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 30 02:53:09 1995

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Re: (n) orbit?

>But surely, if X is orbiting Y, then X is in orbit round Y??? It seems that
>state verbs and action verbs merge indefinitely into each other.

Qu'vatlh, qay'qu' pabmIwvam 'e' yISov. meqvam yIqel.

The problem with {bav} is that it's transitive. {Duj bav} means "it orbits
the ship." You could probably do what you just did to any verb and then call
it an adjectival. {Qong} means "be in a state of sleep" so I can say {puq
Qong}. {qet} means "be in the process of running" so {loD qet} is fine.
Please, there is a distinction between stative and active. And thus far
Okrand description of Klingon tells us that only statives are used as


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