tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 21 11:24:43 1995

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Re: Grammarians

According to A.Appleyard:
> Who at the moment are tlhIngan-Hol (the email group)'s official pabpo'pu'?
At the moment, ~mark is the official, if distracted,
Grammarian. He is busy between editing Hamlet and working on
other resources involving I am unofficially standing
in for him until he can free up more time to be the excellent
Grammarian he was before swamping himself with so many projects.

He still steps in as somewhat higher authority, though tends to
handle a lower volume than I do for now. I fully expect that to

Krankor is also Grammarian, if in abscentia. He is burried in
work and occasionally sends an indirect message that he does
indeed intend to return, someday.

I am the Beginners' Grammarian. This is supposed to be a
rotating post, and I've probably been hanging on to it longer
than the plan originally called for, but as yet, nobody seems
to be suggesting that I pass that role on to anybody else.

As I've stated before, it is not my intent to leap in and claim
the title of Grammarian. The fame and glory of such a role
(cough, cough) is not all that important to me. Mostly, this
temporary situation gives me a great place to improve my skills
and vocabulary, while helping others do the same.

I've talked this over with ~mark and others to make sure I'm
not offending anyone, taking liberties to answer posts that in
normal times would be answered mostly by ~mark or Krankor, and
as yet my efforts seem to be more appreciated than considered
to be a nuisance. If that status changes, I'll be quite happy
to kick back and post less.

Does this answer your question?


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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