tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jan 18 06:59:39 1995

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According to Laurel Beckley:
> I thought I would send in another posting.  I'm trying to keep it simple 
> to start, but I'm having trouble in saying some things I want to say.  
> Here goes.

That's just the way things go. As you say more stuff, you'll
gain familiarity with vocabulary and other tools to express the
things you want.

> parHa'chuq SajmeywIj.  tlha'chuq bIH.  rut be' tlha' loD.  rut loD tlha' 
> be'.  'ach Suv batlh bIH.

All was fine until the last sentence. Since {batlh} can be
either a noun or an adverbial, it is important to properly
place it in a sentence to make it clear which way you are using
it. I suspect you want it as an adverbial and should have put
it between {'ach} and {Suv}. "But they fight honorably." What
you now have is something like, "But they of the honor fight,"
or "But the honor's they fight."

> pajmey vIparHa'.  Sop vIparHa'.  

Not good. {paj} is a verb meaning "resign". I know of no noun
meaning for it. You can't put a noun suffix on it and use it as
a direct object like this. What were you trying to say?

{Sop} is also a verb, so that sentence has two main verbs with
no conjunction or other grammatical construction to explain
why. If you want to say, "I like to eat," you might cast this
several ways. The simplest is to change it to "I like food,"
which expresses the same thing in simpler grammar. Soj vIparHa'.

You could also get more specific about what you mean, like:
jISoptaHchugh vaj motlh jIQuchtaH. "If I am eating, then
usually, I am happy." In TKD, motlh is not listed as an
adverbial, but Okrand clearly used it as one on one of the
SkyBox cards he has subsequently written.

If you want to make a strong statement about food being the
most satisfying element of your life, you could say:

reH jISoptaHvIS jIQuchqu'.

If you want to make a statement about enjoying the state of
eating, you might say:

jISoptaHghach vItIv.

And so forth.

> tlhIngan Hol QIt vIghoj, ach jIghoj.


> OK, how'd I do?

Just fine. Keep it up and more will come clear to you.

> Laurel
> [email protected]


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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