tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Jan 14 10:40:18 1995

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"Bon appetit"

There shouldn't be any social niceties in Klingon, but I just came to
think that on CK there is a compliment, "Bon appetit, Terran". I hear
it as "peSop, tera'ngan".

At first I thought it was something weird, but then I came to think
that in my language it indeed IS considered polite to address a
respectable person formally in the plural second person. (My Finnish-
English dictionary describes the act as [teititella"= address someone
by his/her last name], though it has nothing to do with names)

Perhaps the story behind this (fictionally, of course) is that
they borrowed a little something from the Terran languages because
tourists like to be treated kindly. I'd have expected them to 
borrow from DIvI' Hol, though, because all humans seem to be able
to speak it in Trek. (Even unknown aliens seem to know incredibly
much of it..)

If you hear what I hear, do you have a better explanation?


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