tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Jan 12 05:13:55 1995

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Re: hola / greetings / nuqneH

[email protected] writes:
\ Hola... este es el primero mensaje que he escrito.  Me insteresa
\ este idioma y estoy buscando medios para aprenderlo.  Hay alguien
\ aqui que me pueda ayudar?
\ Hello. this is the first message I have written here.  This idiom
\ interests me much and I am searching means which would allow me
\ to learn it. Is there a person here who can help me to find a book?
\ 		encanta'o.  thanks.

Hola, y bienvenido.  Hay muchos medios que le ayudar a Usted en aprender
la lengua de los guerreros.  Desfortunamente, a este momento, los todos son en

Primeramente, !compre el libro!  Se puede encontrar _The_Klingon_Dictionary_ por
Marc Okrand en cualquiera libreria, especialimente una que viende ficcion
cientifica.  Segundamente, si Usted tiene aceso al WWW, mire al URL
www://; ese es el homepage del KLI (Instituto del idioma Klingon).
Y terceramente, ascoicese con el KLI; hay instrucciones en ese URL. 

Hello, and welcome.  There are several means which will assist you in learning
the warrior tongue.  Unfortunately, at this time, they're all in English.

First, buy the book!  You can find _The_Klingon_Dictionary_ by Marc Okrand
in any bookstore, especially one that sells science fiction.  Second, if you
have access to the WWW, look at the URL www://; that's the homepage
of the KLI (Klingon Language Institute).  And third, join the KLI - there are
instructions on that URL.

Mark J. Reed
Email: [email protected] - Voice: +1 404 315 6296 x158 - Fax: +1 404 315 0293
SecureWare, Inc. / 2957 Clairmont Rd Suite 200 / Atlanta GA 30329-1647

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