tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jan 09 12:18:57 1995

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Re: TKD3 & other expansions

I too would like to express my thoughts on KLI expanding <tlhIngan Hol>.

There are two ways the language could be expanded -- adding new words,
and adding new grammar.

- - -

Adding words should pose little problem.  The KLI could form a committee
that would meet periodically to bless new words.  These words could
be published in print and on-line.   The only real difficulty would
be if Paramount should make up new canon that conflicts with KLIs
work.  If we were to keep Marc Okrand apparised of our additions this
problem would be minimized.

I would like to see an expanded technical vocabulary.  For example:
Names of the elements. Names of the physical forces. A mathmatical
notation for <pIqaD>.

I would also like to have words for "rocket" and "aircraft" as these
are two of my hobbies.

- - -

Adding grammar is probably not necessary, but may be useful in
certain contexts.  Captian Krankor's "...challenge to our esteemed
<Hol pIn'a'>" in HolQeD 3.4 illustrates some desired additions.  For
now, at least, I would recommened following his approach -- let Dr.
Okrand know what we see as short commings and wait for the results.

- - -

Well thanks for putting up with my wish list.  Now, back to the job
at hand -- learning to use the words and grammar that we already have.


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