tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Jan 03 12:42:43 1995

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Re: nuqneH

According to ADM::RSORENSEN"
> Savan
> SoneSHa'wI' jatlh

nuqjatlh? //SoneSHa'wI'// vIyajbe'.
> wa'Doch vItlhob: "KLBC" 'oS nuq

Klingon Language Beginners' Conversation/Conference/Club.

> muDaj mughwI'vummeyraj
> OK- a second question: for expressing verbs as nouns, wI' will make the 
> verb into a 'thing which does' ,i.e. mughwI' = translator. But, there's a 
> second verb-to-noun expression which in this case would be "translation". 
> I tried to express it as "translator's work". Is there a better way?

Well there's always {-ghach}, but unless you want a word that
would set a Klingon's teeth on edge, you need to have a suffix
on the root before {-ghach}. {mughtaHghach} would probably
imply the PROCESS of translation, not the product, though
perhaps that is what you want. If not, {mughta'ghachmey} might
give you want you want.

Meanwhile, {vum} is a verb, not a noun. {mughwI' Qu'mey} might
do instead, if you prefer to take that approach.

> Roger Sorensen                            


 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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