tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 22 12:22:30 1995

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~mark wrote:

>>Date: Thu, 21 Dec 1995 14:42:02 -0800
>>From: [email protected]
>>Can you <-DI'> in this manner?
>>vIlegh vIleghDI'
>>I'll see it when I see it.

I wanted to wait until a BG commented on this KLBC labeled post before 
adding my commentary. I make the leap now that the main Grammarian has 

>I don't see a problem with that.  For some reason I prefer the order the
>other way around very slightly over this way, but that's just my style; so
>far as I know the order can go either way.  It looks reasonable to me.
>'Course, it also means "I saw it when I saw it," which is a less useful

The reason *I* prefer it the other way around relates to typical Klingon 
sentence structure. In English, I can say, "Tomorrow, I will see it," or "I 
will see it tomorrow." In Klingon, I would really only say, "wa'leS 
vIlegh." The time stamp comes first, given the rule that generally, any 
noun which is not subject or object gets stuffed at the beginning of a 

Basically, the environment for the action is usually set up before the 
action is stated, so {vIleghDI'} is acting a lot like {wa'leS}. It is a 
form of time stamp. As such, it really belongs at the beginning of the 

I would not put this down as an explicit rule. It is just a matter of 
style, but it strikes me as a fairly strong matter of style. I would 
personally NEVER write {vIlegh vIleghDI'}. I would ALWAYS write {vIleghDI' 

>>I want to state that something will be seen in the future.  But at an 
>>time.  (Since I can't find a noun for 'future' or an abverbial for 
'later', I'm
>>sort-of stuck.)
>Yeah; I think an adverb for "generally in the future" is on the Okrand

I think it would be a nice luxury, but I don't feel like we are overly 
crippled by it. It just makes for a wee bit more of a challenge.

vIleghDI' vIlegh 'ej wej vIleghta'.



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