tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Dec 15 07:24:19 1995

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Re: The Emperor's Dialect

>Date: Thu, 14 Dec 1995 12:28:09 -0800
>From: Joel Peter Anderson <[email protected]>

>On that note... I'm disappointed nobody has checked (or at least
>reacted to) my "Speak Klingon Badly page" at my Prodigy home

I looked at it.  And while I can see the fun of putting such a page up, and
can appreciate how careful you were to emphasize that the Klingon created
by these means is truly awful, I'm not positive how sanguine I am about the
whole thing.  No matter what disclaimers you have there, it's an easy way
for people to contruct *bad* Klingon, and the *only* thing that can
encourage is more bad Klingon.  To the uninitiated (i.e. >99% of the
readership on the web) "*jIH legh SoH" is just as neat and Klingony as
"qalegh."  So if they want a quick-and-easy Klingon phrase, they can just
flip to the page and piece together words like that and even think they
have a sort of "sanction" from you, a Klingonist, to do so.  And stick it
in their .sig files and whatnot.  The disclaimers don't travel with the
sentences people generate, so all you wind up with are more examples of
rotten Klingon.

It's your page, of course, and your opinion.  But while it's fun humor,
only a tiny fraction of the readers of the page will understand the joke.
The rest will regard it as at least no less serious than Klingon in

>	   ***maH roj DaH*** 

See what I mean about .sig files?


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