tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 15 10:28:34 1995

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Re: }} charghwI' writes his first poem

>From: "William H. Martin" <[email protected]>
>Date: Mon, 14 Aug 1995 22:00:13 -0400 (EDT)

>While driving to work, I scribbled this on an envelope. I'm not
>sure why. Maybe it was a bad traffic day?

Look like it!

>tIqlIj tu'ta' tajwIj.
>DaH QuchlaH no'wI''e' qa'pu' DaHoHta'bogh.
>[I know I just violated a rule, but this is the way it SHOULD

Now now.  There are a lot of languages in which you simply can't do this.
They aren't "wrong" or working in ways they "shouldn't."  They simply are
that way.  The fact that you come from a language in which you can use a
relative construction simply to say "The souls of my ancestors whom you have
killed" doesn't mean it's the only way to do things, and breaking the rule
because you want to sets a bad example for people (Gee, there *should* be a
word for "umbrella" in Klingon, it "SHOULD" work this way, so I'll use
"QI''ol.")  You should know better.

The rest was... fun reading! :-)


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