tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 03 00:37:43 1995

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Re: }} KLBC!!!

Chris Nielsen writes:
>...So virtually nothing will translate without tedious thought
>and re-writing.  What a bummer!

I don't consider it tedious at all.  I've gotten pretty good at "thinking
in Klingon" and putting ideas in a form which are readily represented using
the grammar at our disposal.  I did go through a phase of "re-writing"
where I actually rearranged the words and phrases into approximately
Klingon order, which I could translate nearly word-for-word.  I have since
given that up in favor of "re-thinking" where I don't have to do the
intermediate step of explicitly arranging the words in order to identify
the ideas.  I've got enough sample clauses floating around in my head now
for me to plug in the right words without having to consult the dictionary
about grammar.  I do still need help (lots of it) with the vocabulary, but
that's what computers are for, right?

When I began, I considered the concentrated effort I had to expend to be a
mental workout, not tedium.  I'm in this for the exercise!

 -- ghunchu'wI'

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