tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 02 00:27:48 1995

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Re: }} -mo' and N1's N2

ghItlh ~mark:
>...We use "paper book" in English, using N-N
>constructions for "made of".  I was demonstrating that this is not the only
>way to do things; that's possible to have a language which had N-N
>constructions that are used heavily and similarly to Klingon's but which
>did not extend them (usually) to "made of", but preferred "book after its
>making of paper".  So I'm not saying Klingon has to follow the Welsh
>model... just that it also doesn't have to follow the English one.

I suggest {navmo' chenbogh paq} "a book which takes form due to paper".

-- ghunchu'wI'

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