tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 30 15:49:37 1995

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"too many"

jabbI'IDmey vIHevbogh law' law' yapbogh jabbI'ID law' puS

Does this express the concept that I have received too many messages?
For an hour and a half on Saturday afternoon, while my body was busy
mowing the lawn, my mind was trying to figure out how to say "too much"
or "too many" in tlhIngan Hol.  I finally came up with something like:

  X tu'lu'bogh law' law' yapbogh X law' puS

"the found X's many-ness is many, the sufficient X's many-ness is few" or
"The found X is more many than the sufficient X" or
"There is more than enough X."
I'm afraid that's as close as I have gotten.  The problem is that sometimes
"more than enough" can mean "plenty", which is a GOOD thing, and sometimes
it can mean "too many", which is a BAD thing.  I suppose if I REALLY need
to imply that "more than enough" is "too many" I can follow the comparison
with "This is bad."

-- ghunchu'wI'

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