tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 30 15:40:06 1995

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Too much Klingon? Never!

Wow.  I'm nearly overwhelmed.

I receive the tlhIngan-Hol mailing list as a digest, and usually the
listserver sends out a new digest 24 hours after the previous one.  Each
afternoon before I leave my desk at work, I copy the day's digest to a
floppy disk and take it home.  I then pore over the file of messages
that evening, creating responses and an occasional original posting, and
I take them back to my computer at work the next morning.  I send them
basically all at once; some of you might have noticed this pattern.

I've been busy the past couple of days, and I got behind in reading the
digests.  With the weekend arriving, I figured I'd be able to catch up
without a problem.  I wasn't prepared for the quantity of messages that
have happened recently!  The listserver also sends out a new digest when
it reaches a certain number of lines, and there have been MANY lines
posted.  Three digests in 24 hours -- that's a lot of Klingon.

Anyway, I've read them all.  I have nine messages (besides this one)
ready to send.  To be honest, I have just "pulled an all-nighter."  I
began at about 9:00 pm Friday, and as I finish this it's almost 4:00 am
Saturday.  I don't know why I did this; I probably won't be sending them
until Monday morning.  My wife indeed has come down with Chicken Pox,
and I will be her willing servant for the next week; I should be trying
to keep up my strength.

-- QongnISpu'bogh ghunchu'wI'

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