tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sun Apr 16 06:57:44 1995

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Easter translation

I'm trying to translate the following traditional Christian Easter greeting
(taken, in this case, from the Anglican liturgies):

(Priest:)  Alleluia!  Christ is risen!
(Congregation:)  The Lord is risen indeed!  Alleluia

In tlhIngan-Hol, i've rendered it:

allelu'ya!  yInqa'ta' QrISt!
yInqa'ta'qu' joH!  allelu'ya!

Klingon grammarians:  is this correct?  
(I'm also thinking that the >>-ta'<< might be replaced by >>-pu'<<.  But i
believe that the former does a slightly better job of characterising
grammatically the subtle but important theological distinction between a
deity who returned to life and one who did so in accordance with a

Any thoughts?


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