tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 10 08:55:28 1995

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Re: recent posts


[This is not posted to the list]

I appreciate that you are posting in Klingon on the list. The
errors you are repeatedly making in choice of prefixes is
amazing considering your skill level with the grammar. You are
accurately finding errors with other people's posts on
important and sometimes complex and subtle areas of the
grammar, and then you use the wrong prefix in a large minority
of your sentences. Meanwhile, it still makes your posts very
hard to read.

It is not that I can't figure out what you are saying. It is
that I stumble over your use of [no object] prefixes when you
clearly have objects just like me would trouble if you no write
good English.



 o_/ \
  ">   | Get a grip.
   `   |

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