tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 03 08:32:08 1995

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Re: A new Klingon word?

One of the things that a lot of newbies to THIS list don't understand
(and I think the person who posed the original question was a newbie)
is that there's *2* kinds of Trek canon.  There's fandom canon -- it's 
real only if it's on film.  Then there's tlhIngan.hol canon -- it's *not*
real unless it's handed down from Marc Okrand.  Maybe something of this
sort should be included in the Welcome.message/FAQ as I've seen confusion
on several subscribers faces when told a word used in the show isn't
canon.  Canon has a completely different meaning in the context of this
list, and they don't alway understand that.

tevram (who will now go back to lurking -- how do you say *that* in 

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