tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Sep 01 10:55:50 1994

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KLBC: Another saying

 in> From: "William H. Martin" <ur-valhalla!!whm2m>

 in> According to Bill Willmerdinger:
 > jaghlI' chIlghachmey DatoghlaHpa' chIlghachmeylI' Datogh 'e' DaghojnIS

 in> Not bad. The only questionable point is that once an enemy or a
 in> soldier is referred to as a "loss", it is questionable that he
 in> is capable of using language. You followed the model of the
 in> earlier translation, but you might consider using
 in> {chIlghachmeylIj}.

Point conceeded; I hadn't thought that far, since I really wanted to
 > Heghbogh jaghpu'lI' mI' DatoghlaHpa' Heghbogh SuvwI'pu'lI' mI' Datogh 'e'
 > DaghojnIS
 > "Before you can count the number of your enemies who (will) die, you must
 > learn to count the number of your warriors who (will) die."

 in> I agree that, in my opinion, this translation is better. My one
 in> concern is that we are making a presumption about how a Klingon
 in> would translate {Datogh 'e' DaghojnIS}. You interpret it to
 in> mean, "You must learn to count them." I would tend to interpret
 in> this as, "You must learn that you count them." I see this as
 in> closer to learning whether or not you count them, as opposed to
 in> learning HOW to count them.

Would saying {DatoghnIS 'e' DaghojnIS} have been better in this context?  "You
must learn that you must count them."  Or even better, {DatoghnISqu' 'e'
DaghojnIS}... "You must learn that you *must* count them."

 in> This puts me in conflict with Guido's discomfort with the
 in> question word {chay'}. Since we disagree on this, I must forge
 in> ahead with my own opinion. I would follow Krankor's example
 in> given in a HolQeD article I cannot specifically cite just now.
 in> This combines the question "How do you count them?" and "You
 in> must learn that." 

You're refering to HolQeD 1:2?  The bit about "How can I own a great warship?"
 I only found that just now....  interesting.
 > toghnIS chaH 'e' rut lughojbe' jaghlI' 'e' DaqawnIS
 > "You must remember that sometimes your enemies do not learn that they
 > need to count."

 in> majQa!

The praise goes to Qob's head, and he begins to feel cocky.... 
... "Always remember, the Thought Admiral has eyes everywhere!"

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