tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Oct 05 07:06:10 1994

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KLBC: A Dutch introduction


I'd like to introduce myself (I've sent this mail before, but it didn't
seem to arrive.)
My name is Ruud Rietvink. I'm from The Netherlands (or Holland if you'd prefer).
My job is developing software for AT&T Network Systems NL.
Some weeks ago I subscribed to the Klingon Language BBS and have come to
find the language and the discussions about it, uh, most interesting.

To plunge into the depth I've tried to make a translation of a famous
(earth) song. Perhaps somebody else already done it, but the intention here
is only to get remarks on my grammar from the guys with the experience.
Here goes:

wa'Hu' Hoplaw SengmeywIj Hoch
DaH naDev ghoSbe'choHtaH
Dun wa'Hu' vIHarbej

loD'a' jIHpu' 'ach pay' loDHom jIhchoH
DungDaqwIj HuStaH QIb
pay' mughoSbejpu' wa'Hu'

qatlh jIHvo'mughoSnIS 'e' vISovbe'
vIjatlhHa' 'ej qaSqa' wa'Hu' 'e' vIneH

I hope I didn't make any typos and Shiftos.

Why didn't they get another letter for the Q sound (like K) so not
capatilizing it wouldn't be such a big error?
I have other questions about this notation, but I'll do this in
a next mail.


Ruud Rietvink

"If everybody would listen all the time, it would be very quiet."

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