tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Oct 03 05:29:53 1994

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re: Re: KLB(?): Order of Nouns

"William H. Martin" <[email protected]> Wrote:
| gives us with {jolpa'} and say {qunjuH}. By the way, {juH}
| doesn't really mean "house". It means "home", but in this case,
| I think "home" may work even better than "house", since we mean
| that this is the place that history lives. (At least that's
| what the people at the museums want you to think.) If you
| really want "house", you might go for {qach} instead.

Yes, you're right. 'home' was what I meant to say.  'qunqach' would read 
'Building/structure of History', which to me would come across as an 
architectural or engineering comment as in 'It is an historical structure'.

| It may be because I am an English speaker, but my sense is that
| the boundary between complex nouns and noun-noun constructions
| for Klingon is similar to the boundary between new nouns and
| nouns described by adjectives in English. In this case, I'd say
| {tlhIngan qunjuH}. "A Klingon's home-of-history". The Klingon
| in this case is of course, the same generic Klingon who speaks
| a Klingon's language.

Great, now that I understand the noun-noun and noun noun construction more this 
sounds better to me too.

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