tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Nov 25 12:39:06 1994

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KBGC: Christmas chuS

I lost my list of religious words in a system mega-crash.  I know the 
words I need exist (except for one, maybe).  tuQaHlaH'a'?

BTW, I attempted translation of something a little simpler.  How did I 
do?  maj?  qab?  nuq?

Oh Holy Night

Oh Holy Night
[This night is holy]
<be holy> ramvam

The stars are brightly shining
[Stars are shining]
bochchu'taH Hovmey

It is the night of our dears Savior's birth.
[Our dear Savior is(was) born that night]
ramvetlh bogh toDwI'ma'voy

Long lay the words in sing and error pining
[due to it's mistakes, the world suffers]
bech qo' QaghmeyDajmo'

Till he appeared
[The Savior appeared]
nargh toDwI'

And the soul felt it's worth.
[and souls became worthy]
'ej lo'laHchoH <soul>pu'

A thrill of hope, the weary world rejoices
[due to hope, the world rejoices, <un>tired]
tullaHmo' lopqo', Doy'Ha'

for yonder breaks a new and glorious morn
[when dawn comes, tomorrow is new, tomorrow is glorious]
jajlo' chu' wa'leS, qur wa'leS

Fall on your knees
qIvDu'raj yIpem

Oh hear the angels' voices
[hear the voices of messengars]
<angel/messengar>pu' ghogh yIQoy
(Either Angel or Messengar could work here... but I couldn't find 
*anything* in the dictionary which came close...)

Oh night divine
the night is divine
<be divine> ram
(would "the night is holy" need to be substituted?)

Oh night, when Christ was born
bogh QrISt ghorgh ram



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