tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Nov 24 03:57:50 1994

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Re: SatlhobneS

>> 1. Probably because English is not my native language, I'm having
>>    difficulties in understanding the meaning of {net}.
>Both of these examples tell you that an unspecified, generic
>entity knows that we kill prisoners. It is the global, generic
>person. "One knows that we kill prisoners." This can also be
>translated as the passive, "It is known that we kill
>prisoners." It basically means, "Everyone knows that we kill
>Does this help?

Very much. Thanks to you and ~mark.

>> 2. I have a problem with the pronouns used as verbs. One says
>>    {tlhIngan SoH.}, but one also says {SoH 'Iv?}
> Most Klingonists would agree that the question would be equally
> well stated as {'Iv SoH?}.

Then there is no problem. {SoH 'Iv} sounds to me like asking
a grammatical question about the subject of "you are", so I think
I'll prefer it the other way.

>As for pipius, we do know that it is an animal with edible
>claws, and that's about it.

I wonder what kind of an animal. Likely not a predator.

Do we know anything about other animals?
targh, vetlh, yIH, ghew and ghargh are quite clear, how about
to'baj, 'er, Qogh and Qa'? (and bIreQ?). Any info?

>> 4. How would I ask "_How_many_times_ did you hit him?" etc.?
>I find Nick's suggestion of {'arlogh DaqIp} intriguing.

Me too, yet I'd never dare to form such a thing myself. I trust
your judgment enough to use it, however.


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