tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Nov 09 04:56:59 1994

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The suffix -ghach

 uu> From: ur-valhalla!!u06rmm
 uu> Why does everyone seem to be avoiding the -ghach suffix??

I can't speak for the list, but as for myself, well...

At first, I tried to use it.  Then, as I got more involved in the List and the
KLI and became aware of the differences of opinion regarding it's use, I began
avoiding it altogether and heeding charghwI's call to "rephrase!".  Since we
now have a statement from Okrand about his intentions for -ghach, I've begun
using it again, very carefully.

I think you'll see more use of -ghach as we all get comfortable with it's new

... veQngaSwI' HurDaq yablI' yISuq

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