tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Nov 01 17:42:29 1994

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"Bad hair day"

Hello.  This is my first posting to this mailing list.  My name
is Gordon, though I call myself "Warthog" on IRC.  I live in
Vancouver, BC, Canada, and my church's young adults' class
always involves at least one Star Trek analogy every week.  Oh,
yes, and my hair comes two thirds of the way down my back.

I want to say "Bad hair day" in Klingonaase.  Problem is, it's not
even a proper English phrase.  The abrupt sound of the English
version conveys disgust and dissatisfaction, at least in my mind,
as well as introducing a slight note of humour.  That seems to make
the phrase more than just the sum of the words "bad", "hair", and
"day".  This makes me think that the Klingon translation might be
something closer to "Battlefield hair" (During combat, there are
more important matters to attend to than personal grooming, but
when the fighting is over, the soldiers might chuckle at their
unkempt appearance.).  Klingons do take great pride in their hair
and beards, so I can imagine a phrase like this actually coming
into use.

Can anyone help me with this?  I'm new to Klingon grammar, and
I don't even trust myself to string together the words in "Bad
hair day" or "Battlefield hair" in the proper order, much less
come up with anything more than a literal translation.

(Seems to me I actually saw a translation of this phrase somewhere,
but I can't seem to find it in TKD (1st ed) or Conversational Klingon.)

----------------------([email protected])----------------------
 ___                            ||
(O O)    Bad cop! No donut!!    || Londo to Sinclair:
 |A|        -- Ghost Rider 2099 ||  "My duck is bigger than your duck!"
 ~~~                            ||

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