tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 15 16:03:34 1994

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Re: Wall Street Journal

Oh man.  I just slurfed through 100 or so messages (NOT counting all the
spam from the bounce-fest).  It's mighty tough to keep up when you're
not on the computer every day.

I simply cannot respond in detail to everything I want to, time won't
permit it.  SO here are just some quickies:

First off, Nick said something about being a large cause of the Glen
schism and intending to keep quiet about the issue on the list.  Let
me just say (and hold on to your seats, all!) that I *completely*
support Nick in this regard.  Nick's more faithful approach is certainly
appropriate given the scholarly nature of the project.  Glen's not
being able to deal with it is Glen's problem, not Nick's or anyone else's.

While I do not condone or support Glen's decision, I am not particularly
interested either in making more of a controversy or schism out of it
than it needs to be.  In particular, I still fully intend to be at Glen's
camp in Minnesota, and make it a great time-- and simply avoid and
ignore the controversial.  I encourage anyone who was planning to
attend to continue with those plans; in the end, the camp will be what
the participants make of it-- it's not about any one person.

Next:  the majorly good news is I have found new employment, AND I have
secured the middle two weeks of July off, so I will definitely be both
in Minnesota *and* Philadelphia.  Both should be *terrific* events.

What I want for beverages is, of course, Dr. Brown's black cherry soda.
I'll settle for Dr. Brown's cream.  (But I still want romuluS HIq most
of all)

What else.  Both charghwI' and Holtej responded about the BG position.
I'm arbitrarily picking Holtej to be next.  Effective immediately,
Holtej is the new Beginner's Grammarian.  And let me once again thank
and congratulate HoD trI'Qal on doing a fantastic job in the post.

I know I had more but I can't think of it.  Once I start working again
(should be next week), and get back on a more regular schedule, I
ought to be able to do a better job keeping up with the list.


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