tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Jun 15 13:56:06 1994

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Wall Street Journal

I've said it before in my editorials in HolQeD, and I'll say it again on this
list: The KLI is in favor of most anything that promotes the Klingon
Language.  With that in mind, please realize that the following is not a
flame, it is merely my perception of the current situation.

Like myself, Glen Proechel is a strong willed, aggressive individual.  Again,
like me, he appears to desire to be in control of a situation.  Because we
are so much alike, when there has been friction between us, I have gained
considerable insight by simply asking myself "what would I do in Glen's
place?"  This for example, was why many months ago the KLI withdrew from
co-sponsorship of the Klingon Camp.  It became apparent that a true
CO-sponsorship would not be possible, and rather than beat at each other,
better to allow Glen to proceed on his own.  He did things differently than I
would have done them, but keeping in mind the opening remarks to this note, I
have tried to lend support whenever I could.  Promoting the camp in the pages
of HolQeD is one example of this.

Before I go on, let me say something about the Wall Street Journal article.
 The only people who are upset with it are the members of the Klingon
Movement.  To the world at large, it's a great article.  Already it has
generated a great deal of publicity for the KLI, not only here in the U.S.,
but also abroad.  While I would certainly have preferred an article that did
not portray division among the membership of the KLI, as any author will tell
you a little conflict makes for more interesting reading.  Overall I feel the
article was well written and will do us considerably more good than ill.

As for Glen going off and doing a translation of the Bible on his own, I
would not be too concerned.  Yes, I do think it is a shame that he will not
lend his talents to the KBTP.  He has great skill in linguistics, though we
may not always agree with every argument he makes.  But, before you get all
riled up, consider the following: most of the noise he is making will blow
over, he's not going to be able to do what he says.  If Glen is to be
believed he is currently: preparing a language camp, writing a textbook,
running the ILS, editing a quarterly newsletter, translating the bible,
giving klingon chess demonstrations, performing klingon church services AND
maintaining his regular work as an instructor at a branch of the University
of Minnesota and acting as a court translator when needed.  That's just too
much to do.  Believe me, *I* of all people know.  Add to this the salient
point that he does not have the advantage of computer technology and shows no
interest in acquiring either the hardware or the skills to utilize it.

Kevin Wilson's current estimates on completing the Bible translation, with
nine volunteers working on separate books, is three to five years.  Even
working on nothing else, how probable is it that Glen will accomplish the
same task, even with less rigorous criteria, in less time by himself?  Will
he do some translations?  Absolutely, of this I have no doubt.  But that's
about all that I believe will happen.

Glen's position has always been that his activities in the Klingon language
have to generate revenue, that if he could not make money off of this, then
he'd be out.  That's his bottom line.  And while I'm not against anyone
making a buck, it's a bit awkward to support that position when literally
everyone else involved in the Klingon Movement is generously donating his or
her time and effort.  Even so, Glen's efforts DO promote the language, though
they may not always promote or even mention the KLI.  In a perfect world Glen
would be a team player, a much valued resource, and powerful force to the
Klingon Movement.  At present, well, I honestly don't know.  One thing you
all should know is that it was Glen that originally contacted the Wall Street
Journal, and it was Glen who recommended that they interview me as well.  I
take this as a good sign.  And of course, though he may have resigned from
the KBTP he is still a member of the KLI.  I hope he continues as such and
continues to write articles and serve as a reviewer for the journal.  Our
diversity should be a strength.  So, my final words in this already too long
letter are simply this: we'll ride it out.

Thank you for your kind attention.  I hope to see many of you in Phildelphia
next month.


:: Dr Lawrence M Schoen, Director   ::
:: The Klingon Language Institute   ::
:: POB 634, Flourtown, PA 19031 USA ::

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