tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Jun 13 06:02:45 1994

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KBTP in the Wall Street Journal

>From: "Kevin Wilson (DV 1994)" <[email protected]>
>Date: Mon, 13 Jun 1994 12:31:45 -0400 (EDT)

>Dear SuvwI' quvqu',

>   For anyone who is interested, the Wall Street Journal contains an 
>article on the Klingon Bible Translation Project on the front page.  Read 
>and enjoy!

Surely you jest.  Read, yes... but I didn't enjoy.  I'll have to type it in
sometime; but it's too long for now.

Basically, the article is all about the split in the Bible translation
between the KBTP and Glen Proechel.  The claim is that Glen is doing a
paraphrase while "rivals" are doing a literal translation.  I never knew we
were rivals, nor that we were doing a literal translation (only that *I*
was, because of my insufficiently imaginative style).  Glen, of course, is
very supportive of all those involved, realizing, of course, how important
it is that the community help support itself because no one else will.
Listen to this outpouring of goodwill to others laboring hard at a goal
very similar to his: "It's not going to make any sense." (of the KBTP's
version).  Great.

Essentially, the Klingon community comes across as splintered between
pedantic purists and the clever, creative Proechel (tho neither is honestly
protrayed that much better than the other)... this in a community that's so
small it needs all the cohesion it can get!  I'm really really disappointed
with Glen.


P.S. While the spelling in the article of Klingon words is excellent, one
phrase from Glen's translation has a grammatical error:  vagh 'Iwchap cha'
ghargh wIghaj.  There's a missing "je" there, and it should obviously be

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