tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Feb 16 07:19:31 1994

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Re: Klingon Insults

On Feb 15, 11:40pm, Amy West wrote:
> >smooth charghwI''s construction a little.  I don't think the -choH
> >suffix is necessary with this -moH.  Literally, 'you have caused it
> >to be smooth' is enough, contextually implying the change in state;
> >'you have caused it to become smooth' is a tad redundant.  So my
> >version is
> >        lamDaq QuchlIj DaHabmoHpu'
> >- marqem
> I disagree.  This is exactly the sort of usage that calls for
> using -choH.  Without it, you'd be saying "You have caused
> it to smooth", which makes little sense.  I don't see how you
> get the *be* in your translation, unless you're thinking of
> DaHabmoHpu' as an adjective with verb suffixes and a prefix!

> Amy

     I need to speak in -marqem's defense. I think the {-choH} is optional
and while I what {-choH} adds to the meaning, I'm not wild about the
resulting mouthfull of sound. The latter counterbalances the former and I
really think it comes down to a matter of style or even whim.

     Meanwhile, Amy has fallen victim to this pattern of definitions I've
been referring to in TKD. All the "be" verbs appear like this. On the English
to Klingon side, they say "smooth, be smooth". On the Klingon to English
side, they say, "be smooth". There is no listing on the English to Klingon
side that begins with the word "be" and there is no listing on the Klingon to
English side for the lone word "smooth".

     In the English to Klingon side, the word "smooth" is the adjective
(excuse me, I meant to say the verb being used adjectivally...) while "be
smooth" is the verb (being used as a verb). {Hab} never means the English
verb "smooth", as in "I smooth the sheets on my bed." In Klingon, this would
have to become "I cause the sheets on my bed to be smooth." You need "-moH"
for that, which generally changes intransitive verbs into transitive ones.

     I hope this offers a little more clarity.


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