tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Feb 15 23:07:10 1994

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Re: Beginners Unite!

jatlh Matt Gomes:
: qajatlhneS:
:   I intend to start simple conversations in thlIngan Hol for those of us
: who are beginners.  I suggest we take each part of the grammar and
: try a couple sentences, in context, using the new part of speech.  We all
: need practice and for myself, I need to start at the very bottom.
:   Since I'm also developing the self-instructional course, it will be good
: to get some examples and feedback on what presents difficulties for
: people.
:   We will start with the easy things and work up from there.  If you're
: interested in participating, please let me know (I'll try to coordinate
: as best as possible).  I also think we should use a FLA (Four Letter
: Acronymn) like the Shakespear/Bible translators are using... if noone
: has a big objection to KLBC (Klingon Language Beginner's Conversations),
: I think that would do...
:   I also suggest to those beginners that you start memorizing vocab..
: Start with the most popular words (learn, think, eat, say, write, book,
: computer, book, paper, etc.) and move on from there.  It's certainly
: helped me...
:   Shall we begin?
: --------
majQa', <Matt>! qechvam viparHa'qu'chu'! biruchchugh vaj qangaqbej...

: thlIngan Hol jIghoj
: DewI' jIghaj
: DewI' bIghaj 'a'?
...'ach bighojmoH 'e' biniDchugh, bilughniSbej. ('e' leng QatlhDaq vighojpu'.)
<computer> Damugh DaneHchugh, \De'wi'\ 'oHbej mu''e'; Qagh 'oH \Dewi'\'e'. 'ach
qul qanob vineHbe'bej, 'ej qechvam Dalo' 'e' DaruchtaHviS, biDo'jaj 'e'

: -mat
: [email protected]

Qapla' Qichqemwi'vo'.
 _  _ _   _ _     _ _    _  _ _   _  _ _     _ _   _  _ _   |    Marnen E.
| |/ \ \ / \ \   / \ \  | |/ \_\ | |/ \ \   / \_\ | |/ \ \  |   Laibow-Koser
| |   | |   | | | | | | | |      | |   | | | |/   | |   | | |   laibow@brick.
|_|   |_|   |_|  \_\|_| |_|      |_|   |_|  \_\_/ |_|   |_| |
                                                            |   SUNY Purchase

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