tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Aug 24 04:30:05 1994

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Materials for Foreign Members

I'm very pleased to say that the KLI finally received its first shipment from
Paramount Publishing, the parent company of both Pocket Books (publisher of
The_Klingon_Dictionary) and Simon & Schuster (publishers of the audio
cassettes Conversational_Klingon and Power_Klingon).

As I've posted before, the KLI has entered into an agreement with these
publishers wherebye we can receive TKD, CK, and PK (as well as other
publications of interest) at the reduced rate that a book store receives.
 These savings are then passed along to our foreign members who might
otherwise be unable to acquire Klingon materials in their part of the world,
or at least not at a reasonable price.

Basically, we will use our savings to cover the costs of handling, mailing
supplies, and postage to foreign countries.  Given that one of the goals in
the KLI's charter is to promote and foster the study of the language, making
Klingon materials available around the world seems quite appropriate.

The cost for any of these items (TKD, CK, or PK) is US$12 each.  If you buy
two or more you don't get any further break on price, but that will cut our
postage down a bit, and ensure there's enough for the next person.

Please note, you do not have to be a member of the KLI to take advantage of
this.  It would be nice, but we're more concerned about making Klingon
available around the globe.  So please, spread the word to other fans who
might not have internet access.  They can purchase TKD, CK, and PK directly
from the KLI.

All cheques and moneyorders should be in US dollars, and made payable to KLI

Mail them along with your address (neatly typed please) and the materials you
want to the address below.



:: Dr Lawrence M Schoen, Director   ::
:: The Klingon Language Institute   ::
:: POB 634, Flourtown, PA 19031 USA ::

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