tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Sat Aug 20 13:46:07 1994

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Re: SkyBox card SP3

>>> motlh ray' luSamlaHmeH De' Qatlh cha' tlhingan Duj jIH'a'.

>Looks that way!  Either that or it's the long-awaited >sentence-as-subject
>canon, which I don't believe.
>It would be *really* nice if we
>had a nice construction that made sentences function adverbially...



Oh, and just how would a SAA work? Are you talking about the "as if" clause
issue, which occured before I joined the list, but which I got to read in
HolQeD Round Table. In that case, I suggest you go back and look at Krankor's

"I walk as if my shoes are heavy."

{'ugh waqwIj 'e' vIDataHvIS jIyIt}

This construction is still quite rare, and can be easily recasted into
constructs that language better supports.

As for WillMartin's suggestion that it might be some kind of SAS, I can't
really agree. I haven't the foggiest what the English was supposed to be
anymore, but I read this literally as:

"The main Klingon ship monitor shows hard info(s?) to be able to find targets
are usual."

The double verbs are the problem. The {-meH} clause sticks to {De'}. I doubt
Okrand would forget such a useful adverbial, and then go so far as to invent
another from an already existing verb. Yikes.

But otherwise these SkyboxCards have shown some relatively excellent Klingon.
I hope to see more.

Guido#1, Leader of All Guidos

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