tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 18 23:15:37 1994

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Re: I shouldn't ask...

>From: Captain Krankor <[email protected]>
>Date: Mon, 15 Aug 1994 18:39:12 -0400

>Regarding a Klingon name for the bible:

>Following chargwI's lead, and picking up on a curse I remember seeing once
>around here (from DrujIv perhaps?), and throwing in a dash of Okrandese
>(specifically, the way he built the word mu'ghom) how about:

>be'pu' qan lutghom

>I don't suppose I could make that [be'pu' qan lutghom jay'], huh?  {{:-)

Nah... "old wives' tales" is a very English idiom.  I could easily see a
culture considering old wives' tales to be true and honored, coming as they
do from the ancestral matriarchs.  OK, so Klingons aren't matriarchal, but
I doubt they'd have developed the same idiom that we have in English.  So
it wouldn't get the meaning you want across.

>Then again, it's still toned down from my first idea, which was something
>along the lines of:

>tera'ngan nepghachmey paq

Possible, but needlessly judgemental.  This isn't to say that Klingons
wouldn't *characterize* the Bible this way, but I doubt it would be there
usual term in referring to it.  It's insufficiently clear; there are *lots*
of books of Terran lies.  You could use "Dap" also... but that'd apply more
to Miss Manners, even using your opinion of the Bible (or my guess at it).

>Alright, alright, I'll struggle to be diplomatic.  How about:

>tera'ngan lalDanqoq paQDI'norgh

Yeah, you need lalDan there.  The "-qoq" might be more than is called for,
again because we're looking for a term, not a description.  Even the most
close-minded anti-Muslim, say, would only occasionally refer to the Koran
as "that camel-jockey nonsense", sticking to a simpler term for simple

>	   --Krankor


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