tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Aug 16 01:01:44 1994

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KBTP "schism" in _Locus_

For your reference:

There is a small blurb in this month's _Locus_ about the
Proechel/Schoen differences in the KBTP, which the magazine referred
to as a "schism". Proechel's position is stated as being one of
"translate the Bible using concepts familiar to the Klingons", while
Schoen is quoted as saying "you don't mess with the Bible".

They also go on to mention the flurry of interest around Klingon,
250K copies of TKD sold, etc. At one point, they use a construction, 
"Klingon, which seems to be the most popular artificial language
ever"; if I were a diehard Esperantist I might be offended, as I
believe there are millions of Esperantists, some of whom have brought
up their children to speak the language... 'ach chaq DaH ghu'vammo'
chenmoHlu'pu'bogh Hol 'oHbe''a'?

-QumpIn 'avrIn
 Erich Schneider  [email protected]

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