tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Thu Aug 04 13:39:51 1994

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Re: ether

According to David E G Sturm:
> >qembeltaS<--Look, Dave maybe has settled on one!
> [email protected]                        overheard- "Pardon me, but if I must
> David E G Sturm, Laboratory Manager                operate in a vacuum, can
> Wake Forest University Department of Physics       I at least have a little
> POB 7261 Reynolda Station, Winston-Salem NC 27109  ether to calm my nerves?"
> PS, I challenge someone to translate my overheard....

Wellllllll, the problem is that "ether" is a pun that would
never carry over into Klingon. Even if we had a word for the
anesthetic, it would not be the same word as that for the
theoretical stuff between atoms.

Meanwhile, if you are into theories about the latter, ask me
about my Grand Unification Theory. The root of it is that there
is no vaccuum; instead all of space is full of one monolythic
substance that is in constant and extreme motion. Everything
moving faster than the speed of light is invisible. What we
consider to be atoms of matter is actually points of turbulence
between streams of ether moving faster than light. We can only
sense the points of turbulence because they are moving less
than the speed of light relative to us.

Of course, ether moving faster than light has infinite
momentum, which explains why the atoms stay apart and why they
vibrate so much and why if they get too big, they get unstable.

But I won't bother the disinterested any further.


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