tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Mon Apr 25 01:21:01 1994

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Early Attempts

What you will find below is my first attempt at English-to-tlhIngan Hol
translation -- I know it's small, but I'd appreciate any comments.  I am very
new to this, and although I understand very little of what I read on this
list, I still enjoy trying to translate the messages.  I have both tapes and
have recently acquired the Klingon dictionary.  My question is: is everything
one needs to translate complex works (like books of the bible, Shakespeare,
etc.) really contained in this book?  The grammar doesn't seem to allow for
really complex structure?  Are there any supplamental materials or can one
really express just about anything with the relatively limited material in
this book?

batlt Daqawlu'taH,


"bItlhapchugh yabDu' law' yejquv 'ej Dalan nachDaq ghew reH puv ghew HeD."
                                               --NAACP chairman Benjamin Hooks
("If you took the brains of the majority of the Supreme Court and put them into
the head of a bird, the bird would fly backward for ever and ever and ever.")

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