tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Wed Apr 06 11:31:57 1994

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Re: KBTP: Marcan vocabulary

Hu'tegh! nuq ja' [email protected] jay'?

=think that the old nga'chuq was actually a verb + suffix like
=I had suspected.  Also, the translation of the sentence on the tape
=may, perhaps, be more accurately translated as "go f***k your targ"
=rather than the more polite "mate *with* your targ".  Perhaps
=the difference has to do with sentient vs nonsentient partners?

Oh, I think the gender politics of it are a lot closer to home. I suspect
the difference reflects what Eddie Murphy said once, as the excuse you
make to your partner when she finds out you've been cheating on her:

HIja'! ghaH vInaghta'! 'a manga'chuqpu' jIH SoH'e' je!
Yeah! I fucked her! But I made *love* to you!

The loan translation of yInagh yIruch from the English "go fuck" is so
obvious, it's not even funny. Many languages have verb serialisation,
including those Sino-Tibetan ones Okrand specialised in --- but for Klingon
to have verb serialisation only in the one place English has it is... well,
you know what it is. I'm certainly looking forward to Krankor's account for
it in the current HolQeD.


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