tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Tue Apr 05 10:38:59 1994

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Re: KLBC: qajatlh


>tlhIngan Hol vIghojtaH vIHem.
>wo' Degh boghaj'a'?
>naDev Degh DalI''a'?

nom Daghojlaw'lI'mo', bIquvqu'!

One error!  Very nice, qor!
You actually have a subordinate clause in the first sentence, which you forgot 
to mark with a type 9 suffix.  You can't have two verbs just following one 
another as you have originally, unless the second one (the one on the right) 
is <neH>, <jatlh> or <ja'>. (Please refer to the section on sentences as 
objects on pages 65-67 to see why these are the only verbs which can be used 
this way).  The addition of the suffix -mo' ("because") to your first verb 
clears this problem up:

	tlhIngan Hol vIghojtaHmo', vIHem.
	"Because I am continuing to learn Klingon, I am proud"

I added the comma in the Klingon version so you can more easily see the 
similarities between the grammatical constructions in the two languages.  Make 
sense?  If not, then ask!

>------ wollof snoitalsnart ------



Because you seem to be learning so quickly, you are honoured!

--HoD trI'Qal

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