tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Oct 29 09:29:35 1993

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>From: Captain Krankor <[email protected]>
>Date: Thu, 28 Oct 93 23:32:07 -0600

>>>ghoSqa'taH DIS poHvetlh.  Hu'qa'meH HeghwI'mey poH.  
>>>                           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

>>Well, even though the English is also a sentence fragment, it still doesn't
>>quite work for me.  "-meH" is pretty much "in order that", so we have "in
>>order that the diers rise again, a time", which sounds quite different from
>>"a time for the diers to rise again".  Ideally, it would be "a time in
>>which the diers rise again'", but that brings up the question of how to
>>say "the ship in which I fled", which we discussed a great deal and which
>>never was satisfactorily resolved.  Allowing ambiguity, we could do "poHDaq
>>Hu'qa'bogh Heghpu'wI'mey".

>jIHvaD qay'be'.  Qap "Hu'qa'meH Heghpu'wI'mey poH" 'e' vIQub.  vIyajchu'pu'
>'ej qay'ghach vIleghbe'.  <shrug>

jI<shrug> jIH je.  wa' loD Soj 'oH latlh tar'e'.

>>tera'nganDaq nuq Hech "trick or treat"'e'?  "yuch chonobbe'chugh, vaj
>>qatoj" Hech 'e' vIQub.  'ach ghaytan Dochvetlh jatlhbe' tlhInganna'.  "yuch
>>HInob!" "yuch chonobbe'chugh vaj bIHegh" joq vImaSlaw'.  tojghach luparbej

>ghobe', jIQoch.  tlhInganna' jIHbej 'ej vIjatlh 'e' vIHech!  {{:-)
>'ach jIQochbe':  "yuch chonobbe'chugh vaj qatoj" 'oHlaw'.  teHbej, 
>tojghachmey muSbej tlhInganpu'.... parHa'chugh, yuch lunobQo'!
>"yuch chonobbe'chugh vaj bIHegh" Daja'chugh, vaj jang "lu', choHoH 'e'
>yInIDqu'!" 'ej qaSbej may' ('ej qaSbe' yuch Sopghach {{;-)
>tlhIngan yupma'mey Dayajbe'ba'.

jIHarchu'be'.  tlhIngan jatlhghach motlhqu' mu'tlheghmey "bI-X-be'chugh vaj
bIHegh".  "idiom"mey motlh bIH.  "bIje'be'chugh vaj bIHegh" jatlhDI' Suy,
"choHoH 'e' yInID" jangbe' je'wI'.  qatoj 'e' qabuQchugh, Dogh buQghachvam.

>naDev "give me chocolate" Damugh, 'ach tlhIngan HolDaq "yuch yInob"
>DaghItlhpu'.  lughchu'be'.  yuch yInob == "Give chocolate".  "Give me
>chocolate" == "yuch HInob" "jIHvaD yuch yInob" joq.


>>'Iwghargh	bloodworm (n); in {reH HIvje'lIjDaq 'Iwghargh Datu'jaj}.
>>		Possibly two words, but written as one on the card that
>>		comes with the tape.  Obviously a compound.

>chu'be' mu'vam.  p. 105Daq "reghuluS 'Iwghargh" wItu', vaj taHtaH.

HIja'.  'ej jImujpu' jIH: navDaq tlhejbogh ta, "'Iw ghargh" ghItlhlu': cha'
mu'mey.  'ach muj navmeyvetlh net Sov...

>>nagh	mate with (v); in {targhlIj yInagh yIruch}.  May be {ngagh}, but
>>	seems to be {nagh}.

>jISovchu'be' 'ach jIHvaD "ngagh" 'oHlaw'.  vI'Ijqa'nIS.


>>chemvaH	type of animal (n); said once by Dorn, so could be anything.

>mu'tlheghvam teH law' Hoch'e' jatlhpu'bogh vay' teH puS.

>Hagh<.  nIDqu' Dorn, net Qoy.  'ach po'be'qu'.

>>roS	lick (v); in {QuchwIj roSQo'}.  I listened to this over and over
>>	again and I'm still not sure it isn't {DroS}.  I know that Okrand
>>	taps his r's so they're dentalized, but it still sounds very
>>	specifically like {DroS} and not {roS}.  On the other hand, we've
>>	never seen a Klingon word with an initial consonant cluster before.
>>	On the third hand, the root {roS} already occurs in {roSHa'moH} (to
>>	paralyze), but then homonyms are not unheard-of in Klingon.

>"roS" 'oHbe'bej.  "D"na' tu'lu'.  nger vIghaj.  yI'Ijqa'.  "D" "r"
>jojDaq "vowel" machqu' tu'lu' 'e' vIQub.  nom qaSbej 'ach 'pa
>'oHlaw'.  nuq "vowel" vISovbe' "schwa" rurmo'.  ghaytan "a" "I" "u"
>joq 'oHbe' wot moHaq rurqu'mo' (moHaq bIHtaH Da-'e' DI-'e' Du-'e'
>je).  vaj "o" vIloy.  "DoroS" 'oH 'e' 'oH ngerwIj'e'.

chaq bIlugh.  "vowel" vIQoy jIH je.  "DoroS" 'oHlaH.  Okrandvo' De'

>HIja', qay'law' cha' "syllable" ghajmo' wotHeyvam.  'ach qay'be'.
>qubqu' cha' "syllable"mey ghajbogh wot (mojaQ motlhmey lo'bogh
>wotmey'e' vIqImHa'), 'ach tu'lu'.  Hoch mu'ghomDaq vInejta', 'ej wej

>   ghIpDIj     "to court-martial"
>   He'So'      "to stink"
>   HoSghaj     "to be powerful"

"compound"mey bIHba' Dochmeyvam'e', 'ej "compound" 'oHlaH "DoroS", 'ach wa'

>vaj "DoroS" 'oHlaH.  yI'Ijqa'.  nuq boQub?

wej vISovchu'.

>       --Qanqor


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