tlhIngan-Hol Archive: Fri Jul 23 09:08:46 1993

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Re: HoS voDleH jIH


>And ya know, I`ve found the best orientation is to use line-centering
>on everything.  This ends up looking quite elegant (not), and is quite
>reminiscent of the display screens seen in TMP (of course THE best ST
>movie--the first scenes being in tlhingan Hol, and then the next in
>vulqangan Hol--just ignore the remainder :-).

Oh, come on! TMP can't hold a candle to Star Trek 3, which has oodles
of Klingons going about their business in Hol. Who can forget such
classic lines as:

"meH! naDev qaStaH pagh."
"qama'pu' jonta' neH!" "bach Do', qaH." <bach HoD.> "Ha'DIbaH!"
or the infamous
"wa' yIHoH! jISaHbe'."

In any case, the Hol (and Vulcan) in TMP is pre-Okrand; I believe the
Klingon parts were totally ad-libbed by Mark Lenard.  

Question: has anyone transcribed the Hol bits from _Star Trek V_ or
_VI_ (I believe the video version of the latter has a scene of
'aSetbur conversing with her generals in Hol)? Not that I want to
inflict the watching of ST5 on anyone, but I recall it had
extensive bits in Hol. (I also recall reading an interview with the
actor who played the Klingon commander in that film; he said regarding
Klingon: "you have to be Jewish to speak this language correctly", and
went on to describe some of his dialogue coaching from Okrand.)

Question: does anyone have a phonetic transcription of the 3 lines of
Vulcan dialogue (which Okrand did, according to the _Time_ article)
from _ST2_?

wamghach QaQ boghajjaj,
QumpIn 'avrIn

[email protected]

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